MOFGA - TRUMP's second hat dedicated to supporting American farmers. The newest Hat Movement on the ETH Blockchain



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What is $MOFGA?

MOFGA refers to the "Make Our Farmers Great Again" movement started by Donald Trump and the Republican party. Initiated to support American farmers, the MOFGA movement puts equal energy (as MAGA) towarads supporting the backbone of society: Farmers.

how to works?


0/0 TAX - Liqudity Burned

Taxes are 0/0, Smart Contract is renounced and Liquidity is Burned. All measures have been taken from development perspective to maximize success.

Supporting Farmers

The MOFGA leadership and community team make it a focus to support farmers accross the world, actively donating as regularly possible, while involving ourselves in helping the movement whereever possible.

Powerful Partnerships

MOFGA will succeed through strong, strategic partnerships and listings, putting ample attention towards brand growth and awareness

MOFGA is Fairlaunched, with no presale or advantage to any party. Marketing accquisition has been done naturaly and fairly.


Contact Us

MOFGA - TRUMP's Second hat!